

Configuration Files must DIe

Seasar2 is a Spring killer.

I have always wanted every developer in the world this question: Do you really like writing configuration files? I hope such people are very few. Still, despite our feelings, dependency injection containers as we know it today are full of configuration files. I would like to introduce a new DIContainer, called Seasar2. If we use Seasar2, we almost don't need to write configuratonconfiguration files.

Seasar2 has several advantages. First, Seasar2 employs Convention over Configuration concept, where Seasar2 automatically set up configuration files appropriately based on the "Convention".

Second, Seasar2 can support annotation. Last, Seasar2 can handle scopes, such as HTTP request and session scopes.

Quickstart allows you to master Seasar2 in 15 minutes. in 15 minutes.